About Katie

Katie Griswold Kaye is a seasoned college consulting professional eager to help students find their best fit colleges while encouraging them to maintain confidence, energy and perspective. She seeks to minimize stress with a step by step approach, plenty of pep talks and a healthy dose of accountability.

Prior to relocating to the Raleigh-Durham area, Katie was a guidance counselor at Boston College High School, an all-boys Jesuit school. In that role, she provided intensive college counseling to hundreds of high school students (and their parents), shepherding them through the entire process including college research, college list creation, essay writing, test strategizing, interviewing, scholarship applications, and more. During her time at BC High, Katie had students accepted to every Ivy League university in addition to numerous other schools. She has visited dozens of college campuses and has formed personal relationships with admissions representatives nationwide.

Katie’s approach to college consulting is friendly, positive, and focused on finding the best personal, career and financial match for an individual student and family without undue emphasis on rankings or other external factors. She also believes in the importance of maintaining a sense of humor throughout what can be a stressful process for students and parents alike!

Katie holds a Master’s of Education from Boston University and a Bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Los Angeles. She lives in Cary, NC with her husband and in her free time can be found visiting her four adorable grandchildren!


Katie counseled students (grades 9-12) through their high school years to become competitive college applicants. These students were accepted to a range of schools including:

Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Cornell, Brown, Dartmouth, Penn, MIT, Stanford, Duke, Northwestern, University of Southern California, Wesleyan, Notre Dame, UNC Chapel Hill, UVA, College of William and Mary, Rice, Tufts, Northeastern, Villanova, Wake Forest, University of Richmond, UCLA, NYU, University of Rochester, Bowdoin, Williams, Amherst, Colby, Middlebury, Connecticut, Trinity, Haverford, Georgetown, Boston College, Santa Clara, Clemson, Elon, Emory, Boston University, University of South Carolina, University of Miami, Tulane, Syracuse, Worcester Polytech Institute, Rensselaer Polytechnic University, US military academies, many of the 28 Jesuit colleges and universities, and numerous other colleges and universities across the country and internationally.

Guest blog for SAS Life: https://blogs.sas.com/content/efs/2020/05/07/lgbtq-students-and-their-college-process/