

From Students

“Phenomenal! Ms. Griswold answered all my questions and was incredibly supportive at every stage of the process.”

— Nick, Class of 2018

Ms. Griswold was an amazing counselor. She was very clear and concise when she spoke, she was very informative, and she made sure I was doing what I needed to do. She also was very fun and easy to talk to. All in all, I felt like I was in good hands throughout this whole roller coaster that was not only just the college process, but high school altogether, and for that, I am very thankful. Aaron, Class of 2013

Ms. Griswold was extremely helpful with whatever I needed. She answered any questions I had, met with me whenever I needed to, and was patient with me when I procrastinated (as I do a lot). Aside from college, she was also extremely nice and polite to me. I enjoyed having her as my counselor, and I have even heard students who don’t have her talk about how nice she is. Ben, Class of 2017

Ms. Griswold is definitely the best counselor at BC High. She has been great over the past four years of my high school experience especially deciding what schools were best for me. Every time I went to her for anything, I could also count on her to come through and help me out. Brendan, Class of 2016

Ms. Griswold has been great for all 4 years of my BC High experience. She has always been there if I’ve had any questions or concerns. She was very informed about the college process and specific schools I had questions about. Kevin, Class of 2017

I loved Ms. Griswold, she was a real joy. I could always turn to her when I had a problem at school, she would always do her best to help me. She made everything easy for me, she kept me on task and always went out of her way to make sure everything I needed was always complete. Her smile always brightened and made group guidance classes fun. I am lucky I had Ms. Griswold there to stay on top of me. Jaleel, Class of 2013

Ms. Griswold is the bomb. She knows everything and more and I never had any difficulty trying to get in contact with her. As I mentioned earlier, I am very content with my application and not stressed out at all. Much of that feeling is due to Ms. G. Ryan, Class of 2014

Overall, Ms. Griswold is an amazing person. She helped me greatly and I am immensely grateful for that help. Ms. Griswold was patient, professional, understanding, organized, straight forward, and most importantly she is able to gauge and give the right amount of pressure to a student. Jason, Class of 2016

I would say very caring and dedicated to all of her students the same amount even though she has so many to look after. Ms. Griswold didn’t just give me the tools to get into college, she helped me a lot because she really believed in me the whole four years and gave me a lot of confidence in the college search. Paul, Class of 2015

She was always there for support throughout the entire college process and proved to be an invaluable resource when it came to proofreading, strategizing, and brainstorming. I could tell she truly cares about and is ready to fight for each one of her students. Andrew, Class of 2014

Ms. Griswold is one of the most inspirational and lively individuals I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. I’ve learned so much from her. Tchorzky, Class of 2017

Ms. Griswold is an incredible listener who really cares for her students. She helped me through some of my toughest times in high school and is one of the biggest reasons why I am the man who I am today. Ian, Class of 2017

From Parents

Katie provided invaluable support to my son and me throughout the college process. She took the time to get to know him deeply as an individual and used this understanding to inform everything we did in the process -- from testing strategies to getting a balanced list of colleges to coaching him on writing essays. She was also very accessible and easy to communicate with and we relied on her advice and counsel heavily throughout the process. When my son or I had concerns, she took them seriously and worked with us to get to effective solutions. Her deep experience helped us to stay calm when we needed to, and also to focus on critical decisions and actions that needed our attention. Her calm demeanor and deep insights into what colleges are looking for made a huge difference for us. Most importantly, I feel that Katie really cares about my son and was deeply committed to creating options for him and finding a college that is a good fit. I highly recommend Katie to anyone going through the college process -- whether they are a first timer or experienced -- who wants not only to get their child into a great college, but also to get through the process without driving themselves crazy. Brian Golemme, Parent 2019

As you know, Matt will be attending Santa Clara University in the fall and we are so excited for him!   Thanks to you and the guidance you provided over the past 4 years, we feel that Matt has selected a college that is just perfect for him. Kathy Ryan, Parent 2013

She took the time to understand our son, listen to his needs and then dedicated time and effort to help him make his dreams come true.  Jay is going to his dream school (Fordham University) with a Navy ROTC scholarship. Diane Holland, Parent 2014

Words cannot express how appreciative I am for all the help, guidance, and support that you have given to Isaac and Nashadee. It is very encouraging to see someone doing this type of job with such passion. I was blown away when you offered to help Nashadee with the college application process! …despite your busy schedule, you went above and beyond. Thank you so much!!! Minoche Guerrier, Parent 2019

Julie and I would like to thank you for all your help and guidance in Clayton’s college search process.  I know he isn’t the first person to experience some bumps throughout the process, but it was a pretty stressful time for him and I know he really valued all your extra efforts and encouragement along the way.  It is clear now that Hamilton (not Amherst) is easily the best fit for him and we are thrilled with how it all turned out. Mr. and Mrs. Piantedosi, Parents 2016 

From Colleagues

I’ve known Katie her entire BC High career and cherished our professional and personal relationship. On the professional front, she captures her students on paper with insight and sensitivity, so her recommendations are a delight to read. On a personal level, we share of love of theater. I’ll miss those engaging conversations. Well done, Katie. Enjoy retirement. John Mahoney, Dean of Undergraduate Admissions and Financial Aid, Boston College

Having worked with your office for over 18 years, it was a pleasure to work with Katie. She is one of those rare individuals that consistently has a smile on her face. The type of professional colleague and friend that brings joy to her vocation… Her advocacy of the young men at BCHigh is unwavering. The details of each student’s life is what I enjoy reading about in her counselor recommendations. She has an uncanny ability to reflect upon certain moments throughout the advisee’s time at BC High, and translate that into a wonderful narrative. Jason Cloutier, Xavier University

It has always been a pleasure to work with Katie because she’s passionate about her job and the students she works with. Her letters of recommendation were always so insightful to not only the applicant as a student but as an individual as well. Michael C. Ioriol, Director of Admission Recruitment Saint Anselm College

During my time in Guidance, Katie’s upbeat and positive energy was felt throughout the entire office. Always with an open door to students, it was clear from the beginning how much the students counted on her and her colleagues admired her. She’ll be missed at BC High, but her impact in the guidance office will be felt for a long time! Dan Carmody, Director of Boston College High Hyde Center for Global Education

BC High became a better place when you were hired - no doubt. Your office has always been a haven for students, and it wasn’t just the candy jar they came looking for. It was your incredibly warm spirit, your understanding way, your laugh, your smile and your quick wit that attracted them every time. Sara Feloney, Administrative Assistant, Boston College High School Guidance Department